Are you trying to eat healthy but crave a juicy burger, a slice of pizza, some french fries, pasta, or even a good ole’ PB&J sandwich? Yeah, me too! (Well not the burger, but that’s just me 😉 )

In this blog post, I’m excited to share with you some of my favorite “junk food” swaps so you can “indulge” in some comfort food – without an ounce of guilt! Like I always say, “I’m here to make healthy food taste great!”

Spaghetti & Meatballs

There are some awesome healthier pasta alternatives out there. Instead of white pasta (or even rice-based pasta), try lentil or chickpea pasta. One serving of Whole Food’s Red Lentil Spaghetti packs in 6 grams of fiber, 15 grams of protein, and 20% iron! Compare that with 1.5 grams of fiber, 7 grams of protein, and 4% iron in regular spaghetti. I’ve tried lots of “gluten-free” and alternative pastas and I promise, lentil and chickpea pasta has a texture and consistency most similar to regular pasta. My only tip is to boil it for 2 extra minutes!

For the sauce, make sure there is 0 grams of added sugars (a super common hideout for hidden sugar) and buy organic whenever possible, since tomatoes are on EWG’s “Dirty Dozen” list, meaning they have some of the highest levels of pesticides when grown conventionally. My absolute favorite sauce is Muir Glen pasta sauce – any flavor!

If you’re craving a meat addition to your pasta, try chopping up some chicken sausage and tossing it in with your sauce! I don’t normally care for meat-based sauces but I loved Bilinski’s Organic Chicken Sausage in this dish!

Crispy Baked French Fries

Admittedly one of my favorite comfort foods, my homemade crispy baked french fries come together with little effort and a lot of flavor! There is so much versatility in this recipe – use sweet potatoes, red potatoes, or Russet potatoes! Toss with olive oil and your favorite spices.

My secret to crispy fries? Parchment paper absorbs excess moisture and prevents them from getting soggy. Serve with a green veggie and a protein for a complete and satisfying meal!

Veggie Burgers

In our house, we literally can’t go shopping without passing the frozen aisle to pick up some of these veggie burgers. They cook up in the toaster oven beautifully in 12 minutes and my husband (who is very wary of “green things” eats them more often than me!) The Dr. Praeger’s brand has many varieties of delicious veggie burgers, including “California Veggie Burgers, Kale Veggie Burgers, Black Bean Quinoa Veggie Burgers, Mushroom Risotto Veggie Burgers,” and so many more!

The Classic PB&J!

Now this one really has sentimental value for me, since it was my favorite food as a child!

When choosing a nut butter (peanut, almond, cashew, hazelnut), be sure that there are no added sugars or hydrogenated oils. Hydrogenated oils are essentially trans fats and they are extremely inflammatory. Many mainstream brands use hydrogenated oils to keep the nut butter cohesive and shelf-stable. (Have you ever noticed that some brands need to be stirred because the oil floats to the top? That’s a great sign because there are no artery-clogging emulsifying oils mixed in!)

When choosing a jelly, look for reduced sugar and opt for organic if possible. Many jellies and jams are loaded with 12-15 grams of white sugar per tablespoon! Two tablespoons can mean 30 grams (8 teaspoons worth!) Organic jams are important since berries are at the top of the “Dirty Dozen” list, meaning they are most heavily laden with toxic pesticides.

Finally, the bread. My rule of thumb is: the less ingredients, the better. Sprouted bread has increased nutrient availability and has a much lower glycemic load, which will keep your blood sugar low and steady. The Ezekiel breads are made from whole grains, not flour. This means a hearty bread which digests slower, has lots of fiber and protein, and keeps you full longer. (I keep mine fresh in the freezer, only pulling out a piece or two when I need it so there is no pressure to scarf down the loaf in a few days!) I personally don’t want mono- and di-glycerides, preservatives , and ingredients that I can’t pronounce going into my body.

No-Guilt Nachos

I am a HUGE fan of nachos! What’s not to love? Guacamole, salsa, and crunch! The above photo highlights my sweet potato nachos. They are amazing but do take some prep time. (Check out the recipe here.)

If you have five minutes, try tossing together these equally yummy nachos. For the base, use a baked chip such as Saffron Road Baked Lentil Chips. Then add rinsed black beans and crumbed cheese (if desired). (When buying crumbled cheese, make sure there is no added natamycin or preservatives.) If you have the time, bake them in the toaster oven for a few minutes. If not, continue loading them up with organic salsa and a few scoops of guacamole! Its so simple, but the combination of flavors will satisfy your craving for Mexican food, guaranteed! (Trust me, I just ate two batches 😉 )

Creamy Chicken Alfredo (Dairy-free)

This version is pretty simple to make and will satisfy your craving with creamy coconut milk, cashews, garlic, and even cauliflower! Talk about a nutritious indulgence! (Check out my recipe here!)

Spinach, Parmesan, & Goat Cheese Pizza!

And for the grand finale….. healthy and delicious cauliflower crust pizza! I featured this crust in last month’s newsletter but it is so yummy I can’t stop eating it! Made with cauliflower and brown rice flour, this thin gluten-free crust simply can’t be beat! To prepare, take it out of the freezer, place it on a baking sheet, spread on toppings, and bake for 13 minutes! Sauteed spinach took a matter of minutes and added a ton of nutrients! Combine that with the lycopene in the tomato sauce, two types of calcium-rich cheese and a dash of oregano for a better-than-restaurant-quality pie! No guilt, all flavor!

Do you have a guilty indulgence that you’d like to healthify? Leave a comment or send me a message! I’m planning a Part II of this post since I had so much fun with this one and there are infinite options for healthy comfort food!!