Health is not a goal, it is a way of life.

Deciding to “get healthy” is both an exciting, yet overwhelming endeavor. Initially you envision yourself preparing and eating 3 perfectly balanced and nutritious meals each day, jumping out of bed with plenty of energy at 7:00 am each morning to do your morning yoga or 5 mile run, coming back to a perfectly organized house, and beginning your low-stress day with a smile on your face.

After 3 weeks of devoting all of your time, energy, and best intentions to trying to make this happen and realizing that “you are just not meant to be healthy,” you binge eat ice cream and binge watch “This is Us,” while deciding to surrender your resolution.

This is precisely why I constantly emphasize to people that health is not a goal – it is a way of life. Likewise, in order to live a healthy life, you need to start an evolution – not a resolution. Hear me out on this one….

When you google the definition of ‘resolution,’ the first entry is “a firm decision to do or not to do something.”

Imagine if I said, “I firmly decide to never eat another dessert.” How does that sound? How does that feel?

When you google the definition of ‘evolution‘ and skip the biological definition, the next applicable entry is “the gradual development of something, especially from a simple to a more complex form.”

Imagine if I said, “I will gradually transition to experimenting with healthier desserts.” I don’t know about you, but that stirs up some excitement and optimism in my mind!

Just as a baby has to crawl, then walk, then run, you also need to start with small, manageable steps that you can achieve before moving onto the bigger things. When you successfully implement the first healthy step, your body will feel better, you will be proud of yourself, and you will be ‘in control’ of the process.

If you try to start 10 different goals, you will spend more mental energy remembering each goal than you spend on actually doing each goal!


But where to start??! 

Each person is at a different point in their life. Some people may need to cut back on diet soda, someone else may need to get an extra two hours of sleep each night, while another person would really benefit from walking a 1/2 mile each day.

This is where a health coach comes in. A health coach will get to know you and your lifestyle. Working together, a health coach will suggest areas of your life that you could start with, but you are the ultimate decision maker. The health coach will then provide accountability and set a road map for you, so you can visualize how you will work towards creating your healthy lifestyle.

Are you ready to start your Health Evolution?!

Here are 5 specific steps that can guide you on your way to creating a healthier lifestyle:

  1. Jot down a REALISTIC plan – Before setting out on a road trip, you usually make a plan as to which states you will visit, which sites you want to see, and the general route you will use to get there. When you set your health plan, know what you want to accomplish and what needs to be done to get you there. Be SPECIFIC so you can track your progress.
  2. Start SMALL – break each goal down into smaller, do-able steps. For example, if you want to lose 15 pounds, the small goal would be to lose 1 pound per week. The SPECIFIC plan (from step #1) would be to opt for fruit instead of cake. At the end of the month, when you are 4 or 5 pounds lighter, you will feel accomplished and ready to move onto your next small goal!
  3. Focus on ONE thing at a time – like I mentioned earlier, if all of your mental energy can focus on incorporating ONE habit at a time into your busy life, it will happen. If you are pulled in too many directions, it will simply create more undue stress. This should be a FUN process!
  4. Do it TOGETHER – going on the journey with someone else (friend, spouse, coworker, family member) is much more enjoyable and more likely to be successful.
  5. Seek out SUPPORT – contact a health coach, talk to a personal trainer, set up an appointment with a nutritionist, or chat with a friend who has already started their healthy evolution. Dine out at healthy restaurants and make friends at the gym. Surround yourself with positive energy and optimism and you will set yourself up for success!!

Are you ready to start your evolution?!!

If you have any questions or would like to work with me, please send me an email,