I am currently a few weeks away from completing my certification with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition to become an “Integrative Nutrition Health Coach,” and I have finished 1 out of 3 years of studies to earn my Master’s in Nutrition and Integrative Health. This past year has been an indescribably incredible journey for me because I have learned SO much. Most importantly, I have improved my health in preparation for the countless lives I look forward to touching in my career as a health coach and nutritionist.

As I excitedly discuss my progress with my friends and family, the most common question I get asked is, “how can I lose weight?

I will answer this question today.

That answer is different for every person. Joshua Rosenthal has coined the term “Bioindividuality,” which is the concept that every person is different and a different nutritional approach works best for each person.

It is important to consider that different factors cause different people to gain weight, so it makes sense that different tactics, chosen according to the workings of each person’s specific physiology and lifestyle, will help to achieve weight loss goals.

This is where a health coach comes in!

A health coach listens to your concerns, helps you to uncover the habits and foods that are causing you to gain and maintain the extra weight, and then works with you to set goals and implement a gradual but sustainable plan to lose the weight.

Here are a few things to consider:

  • processed foods
  • physical activity
  • portion control
  • lack of quality sleep
  • food cravings
  • stress
  • work/life balance

Many people struggle with a combination of these factors but their first response is, “I don’t have the time to change anything – I’m too busy.” Or other people excitedly identify problem areas, pledge to “do better” and 48 hours later have reverted back to old habits.

The role of a health coach is to provide a space to listen, provide individualized education, and provide accountability and resources to implement the necessary changes.

It is critical to remember that healthy lifestyle changes must be made gradually in order for it to be sustainable. (I do not expect a carnivore to adopt a plant-based diet in three days.) For this reason, I am structuring my services to be delivered through a 6-month program. By meeting with a health coach bi-monthly, the client is able to work on small but meaningful lifestyle changes, while receiving consistent accountability and guidance. (I would collaborate with my client to find dietary swaps that are appealing and do-able – such as turkey-mushroom burgers instead of beef and cheese!)

What motivates you to lose weight? Keeping up with your kids? Looking sexy for your spouse? Having more energy?

Enjoying your family, friends, or passion is your goal — the weight loss is the road to reach your goal. 

2 thoughts on “No-Fail Weight Loss Basics”

  1. Heather, I learned a lot in the last few minutes reading this article! I am looking forward to a healthier 2018 thanks to you! Very well written and informative!

  2. Those 8 tips were great. Things I did not know like cold drinks with dinner and eating raw foods first. Thanks for this valuable info. Karen

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