I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

If you’re still looking for that relaxing and “Silent Night,” I will try to shed some light on the topic 😉

This post is in response to a Facebook article I posted a few days ago: “10 Reasons You Need A Himalayan Salt Lamp in Every Room of Your Home” (http://www.naturallivingideas.com/himalayan-pink-salt-lamp-benefits/)

Thank you Amanda, for your excellent questions and feedback on this post! I read up on many sources and I will share some of Dr. Axe’s tips for choosing and using a Pink Himalayan Salt Lamp for health-supportive purposes! (https://draxe.com/himalayan-salt-lamp/)

1. How to select and purchase a Pink Himalayan Salt Lamp:

Consider the size of the room in which you will use your lamp. To cleanse the air of a room, you will want 1 pound of salt lamp to every 16 square feet of space. For an average bedroom, a smaller lamp will be fine, but a bigger lamp is needed for a larger room.

1 lb. of salt lamp: 16 square feet of room

2. How to position a Pink Himalayan Salt Lamp:

Salt is hydroscopic, which means it absorbs water. When exposed to high humidity for an extended time, the salt can melt and become less effective – so keep them away from showers, dishwashers, and washing machines.

3. How to know if it is fake vs. authentic:

Consider these 6 warning signs when selecting your lamp….

  1. Poor return policy – salt lamps are delicate, so they are likely to be damaged in transit. Retailers may be running a scam if they do not accept returns because they may know they are not giving you the real thing.
  2. Highly durable – again, salt lamps are delicate, so if you bang of drop it and it is unaffected that is not usually a good sign.
  3. Very bright light – due to the high mineral content, salt lamps do not give off strong light and are not intended to light a room. They give off a warm, muffled glow. If it is bright, it may not be authentic.
  4. Inexpensive white crystal – the white crystal salt lamps are rare and much more expensive than the regular pink ones.
  5. No mention of Pakistan – underground mines in Khewra, Pakistan are the only true source of pink Himalayan salt. If there is no mention of this origin, it may not be authentic. Keep in mind that the lamp may be assembled somewhere other than Pakistan and may list that as the country of manufacture, even though the salt was actually mined in Pakistan.
  6. Moisture resistant – as mentioned earlier, salt lamps inherently absorb water – if the lamp is not adversely affected by being near moisture, it may not be authentic.

4. Where to buy:

You can buy pink Himalayan salt lamps either online or in a store. I searched on Amazon and found several options that seem to meet the criteria very well. I searched “Pink Himalayan Salt Lamp Pakistan” and the #1 Best Seller Option seemed pretty good for $25.99.

The salt lamp that I have been using for almost two years was purchased at Bed, Bath & Beyond. It is in a bamboo basket and I love it! When I checked to today, I saw it is on sale from $39.99 to $29.99! If you are ordering online I do caution you that it is delicate and there is a high probability of some damage during shipping. It is probably safer to get it from the store where you can inspect before you buy. I once ordered two online and one was shattered by the time it arrived. They were great with the replacement process but it’s just something to consider. (Also, don’t forget about their famous 20% off coupon!)

5. For pet owners:

I would highly recommend that you keep pets away from salt lamps. Salt lamps are fragile and as they absorb toxins, a while salty substance can appear on the salt – if it is knocked over you will see salt on the table. Keep them high or in places that your best friends cannot reach. The salt lamp WILL keep the air fresher so I will never discourage a pet owner from investing in one, but do be mindful of placement.

Final thoughts…

I really like the relaxing effect of salt lamps. They counteract the positive ions of technology (especially wireless internet, bluetooth, etc) and create a true escape from the fast pace and high-tech world we live in each day. Each night I make a habit of putting my phone on airplane mode, adjusting the brightness of my salt lamp, stretching out, and drifting into a rejuvenating sleep.