Essential Oils  – you’ve probably heard of them. Maybe you’ve tried them. Maybe you haven’t. Regardless of your prior experience with these super-powerful oils, you will learn something new from this post and my goal is to pique your curiosity so much that you are compelled to try a new oil, remedy, or recipe today!

My experience with essential oils:

I started playing around with them a few years ago when a dear patient of mine generously gave me a doTerra starter kit and a how-to book. I gradually became more interested in the use of essential oils and signed up for a beginner’s guide from Dr. Axe. As I became more interested in natural cures for common health ailments (instead of over-the-counter or prescription remedies), I became even more amazed by their powerful healing properties and aromatherapy benefits. Last Christmas I asked my mom to surprise me with a few oils and gave her a list of 10 to chose from. On Christmas morning, she surprised me with all 10 oils!!!!!! (That’s a loving mom!!) My husband bought me two diffusers and I have been diffusing and using them every since! My friend Anna and I had a blast whipping up sugar scrubs, soaps, and lotions with our little bottles of oil! Recently, my friend Vicki started selling doTerra oils wholesale (much more economical!

What are essential oils?

Essential oils are the highly concentrated version of the natural oils in plants. I love using them because they are 100% made in nature – not a chemist’s lab like all of the other added “fragrances” in perfumes, laundry detergents, and air fresheners. They can be used topically (applied to skin), diffused into the air (aromatherapy), and if they are therapeutic-grade, they may be taken internally (mixed in a drink, recipe, or capsule form). They have potent therapeutic and healing properties to remedy physical, emotional, and mental ailments. There are literally thousands of uses and oils!

How long have essential oils been used?

Thousands of years. Essential oils are thoroughly documented throughout biblical times (more than 12 essential oils are referenced in the Bible – think: Frankincense and Myrrh at the visit of the Wise Men…) Also, the ancient Chinese, Greeks, and Egyptians have historically documented usage of essential oils as a central part of their culture!

How can essential oils benefit you?

This week I ordered a new book on uses for essential oils for health. (This is my 3rd essential oil book in about 3 years and it is by-far the most user-friendly, informative, and interesting.) It contains so many incredible recipes and homemade products that I can’t wait to share with you! 

This is where you come in!!

Comment on my Facebook post or here on the website if there is a remedy that you would like me to share more about!

  • depression,
  • headaches,
  • bloating,
  • indigestion,
  • insomnia,
  • infection,
  • immunity,
  • breath freshener,
  • restless leg syndrome,
  • psoriasis,
  • PMS,
  • alopecia,
  • warts, and so many more!

My favorite uses include:

diffusing lavender for very restful and rejuvenating sleep,

rubbing frankincense (mixed with fractioned coconut oil) on the bottoms of our feet during the winter for strengthened immunity,

misting peppermint body spray to increase alertness in the morning or during a mid-afternoon slump,

a few drops of eucalyptus in water as a mouthwash, and

a drop of lemon in my water for refreshment or on my face to lighten acne scars!

Stay tuned for my Blog Series: “Essentially, Oils”