Nutrition is a Critical Component of COVID-19 Prevention
I have not yet blogged, posted, or mentioned anything about COVID-19 in the last 18 months. This was intentional because there is simply SO much (conflicting) information circulating around the world. My goal in writing this blog post is to share what I have learned about COVID-19 from a purely nutritional perspective in order to help you to stay safe and healthy.
Throughout the course of the pandemic, it is basically impossible NOT to be exposed – in some capacity – to the COVID-19 virus. First of all, the virus particles are so miniscule that they can slip through most facemasks, even when they are being worn properly because there is not an “air-tight” seal, and even if there were, the particles may be small enough to slip through the material of the facemask – they’re that small! Secondly, humans are social beings and it is not possible (or healthy) to quarantine healthy people for months and years at a time.
“Life is 10% What Happens to You and 90% How You React to It.” ~Charles R. Swindoll
In the above quote, I’m making an analogy of how your IMMUNE SYSTEM reacts to the virus particles. The biggest and most important factor in COVID-19 prevention is strengthening and maintaining the health of your immune system so that WHEN (not IF) your immune system encounters the virus, it successfully defends your body.
Nutrition for the Immune System
There are 3 nutrients that are absolutely critical for the health and strength of the immune system. These 3 nutrients have proven to be especially beneficial in preventing infection from the COVID-19 virus, lessening the severity of symptoms from the COVID-19 virus, as well as speeding recovery time.
- Vitamin D – this nutrient (which is technically a hormone) is primarily manufactured by your body in response to sun exposure. Having a healthy Vitamin D level is the #1 most important thing you can do to enable your immune system to prevent infection by the COVID-19 virus. Most of us do not get adequate sun exposure every day, so supplementation can be extremely beneficial. Vitamin D3 (as opposed to D2) is the more usable and absorbable form. Be sure to take vitamin D supplements under the supervision of a health care practitioner because vitamin D can accumulate in your body and cause negative effects if your levels are too high.
- Zinc – this mineral is vital to maintain a strong immune system and also enables wound healing. The COVID-19 virus depletes zinc from your body, so it is doubly important to be sure you have enough zinc! Also, did you know that in healthy or sick people, zinc is necessary for the sense of taste and smell?? That’s why people who have COVID-19 loose these senses and supplementation can restore taste & smell. As with many other supplements, taking too much can create imbalances in the body and actually deplete other nutrients such as copper and iron, so be sure to consult a nutritionist to determine the best dose for you.
- Vitamin C – the classic immune-strengthening nutrient! Getting as much vitamin C as you can will help tremendously! Try getting this nutrient from foods in order to reap the benefits of antioxidants and phytonutrients that work synergystically to fight the COVID-19 virus. Some of the best foods to include are: oranges, lemons, strawberries, peppers, and broccoli.

Our Family’s COVID-19 Experience
Last month, our whole family tested positive for COVID-19. We were very thankful that we all had mild-to-moderate cases and recovered pretty quickly. I attribute this to the preventive protocol that we started a few months earlier.
We were all taking vitamin D and zinc supplements. Since one of Thomas’ favorite foods is oranges, they are always overflowing out of our refrigerator and on our plates daily. He also insists on eating strawberries on a nearly daily basis so our freezer is stocked with 5 pound bags of frozen strawberries.
Whenever any of us is feeling “under the weather,” we immediately reach for a bottle of Black Elderberry capsules, which provide great immune support by shortening the duration and intensity of illnesses.
The Importance of Sleep
Of equal importance to nutrition, we found sleep to be one of the most critical remedies to overcoming the virus. Every morning we woke up feeling better than the day before. Also, resting during the day was non-negotiable. The days after I chased little Thomas around all day, I felt worse by the end of the day. The days after I completely rested, I felt significantly better and that ultimately led to my final recovery.

Natural Cough Remedies
I was the only person in my family to get a cough from COVID-19. I found that all warm drinks & food helped to calm my cough, while all cold things exacerbated it. My #1 go-to remedy was hot lemon-honey water. Lemon contains vitamin C and gets rid of mucous in your body. (Raw) honey supports the immune system and soothes coughs & sore throats. I drank this lemon-honey water several times a day while I wasn’t feeling well and every single time it felt wonderful!!

Preventing Blood Clots
It has been found that blood clots are more common in people who have COVID-19. The best natural remedy to prevent blood clots is omega-3 fish oil supplements. Omega 3’s are natural blood thinners that prevent the blood from coagulating (or clotting) anywhere in the body. If you are taking prescription blood thinners, you must consult your doctor because natural blood thinners are usually discouraged since they could thin the blood too much. I took 2-3 Nordic Naturals omega-3 capsules daily (instead of 1 capsule) for about a week as a preventive measure.

In Summary…
Exposure to the COVID-19 virus is mostly out of our control. How our body reacts to the virus particles depends on the health of our immune system. Our family experienced relatively mild symptoms and we were incredibly thankful because COVID-19 can be a devastating and very serious illness. Regardless of vaccination status, occupational exposure, or health conditions, there are practical nutritional and lifestyle strategies that everyone can implement to reduce their risk of contracting COVID-19. Even an infection with COVID-19 can be treated with nutritional interventions. Immune supportive nutrients and interventions can make the difference between a very serious case vs a mild case and the difference between hospitalization vs at-home recovery.
I am not an “expert” on COVID-19 treatment, but I have spent the last 18 months reading and researching everything I could find and I experienced it personally. If you have any questions, always feel free to reach out and I can share what I have learned and share any resources that could be helpful to you!