Happy November!

This post was inspired by two of my dear friends who were also my wonderful college roommates! I had the pleasure of catching up with them at a wedding this past weekend (congratulations, Huntley & Keith!!!!), and since I am constantly seeking ideas and feedback for my blog, I asked Amanda and Lorin for any topics they would like to read about. Amanda, who is perpetually full of thought-provoking questions, said, “How do I cook salmon? I’ve never done it before and I know it’s healthy!” This is the first thing that popped into my head – a recipe that I created a few months ago and is the easiest, simplest, and most delicious way to cook salmon, especially for someone who does not have much experience. It is super stress-free preparation if you are entertaining and a no-stress weeknight meal.

I’m going to try to make this as simple and straight-forward as possible. I strongly encourage you to try it this week – there are not many ingredients and you will be pleasantly surprised by how beautifully the flavors will prance across your palate!


~fresh salmon

~1 lemon

~1 clove garlic

~fresh herbs (parsley, dill, scallions)

~salt & pepper

~good quality olive oil — The Crescent Olive’s Hojiblanca Ultra Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Read (don’t just skim) this next section…..

Important Ingredient Notes:

~Fresh Salmon: go to the fish counter and ask for however many portions of salmon you need (they will do the weight measurements).

*****Wild-caught is preferable over farm-raised***** If it is Alaskan salmon, it is wild-caught; if it is Atlantic salmon, it is farmed. Salmon don’t naturally swim in the Atlantic Ocean. (Learn more about wild-caught vs. farmed fish here.)

*****The salmon won’t necessarily be the bright pink color you imagine- that pink comes from dye injected into farmed fish. Wild-caught salmon will be slightly duller in color.

~Lemon: organic is preferable because you will be using the entire lemon, peel, rind, and flesh. If you are just squeezing the juice from a non-organic lemon, it’s ok. If you are adding the peel or rind to a recipe, it’s worth a few more cents to avoid pesticides marinating in your food.

*****The lemon is the savory surprise factor here: the lemon is actually roasted, which produces a mellow, sweet citrus flavor, instead of a sharp, tart bite. How often do you eat roasted lemon?!

~Garlic: when you dice it with a knife, make the pieces as small as possible. You can sprinkle a pinch of salt as you are dicing to help the garlic release its juices and flavor. The garlic adds a beautiful accent and a strong dose of immunity and antioxidants!

~Herbs: use whichever herbs you have available. The ones I mentioned are the best to pair with salmon, but be creative!

~Olive Oil: This is where a high-quality oil will make all the difference. I use a standard olive oil for most cooking but reserve my special oils for recipes such as this. Just a small drizzle of earthy, fresh, and savory oil goes a long way. The Crescent Olive’s Hojiblanca Ultra Premium Olive Oil is classified as a medium-bodied oil sourced from Australia. It was the perfect compliment to this dish, and made the flavor truly exceptional.

~The Method: by cooking this in parchment paper, it retains all the moisture, the fish literally steams in the aroma of the seasonings, and when the paper starts to turn golden brown, you know it is done! Clean-up entails throwing away the parchment paper and rinsing the tray. You can’t beat that!

The Directions (for two portions):

  1. Tear off two large square portions of parchment paper. Not waxed paper. Not foil.
  2. Rinse salmon in cool water. Pat dry with paper towel. Place each filet on a parchment paper.
  3. Season each filet with salt and pepper.
  4. Sprinkle garlic over both filets.
  5. Sprinkle chopped herbs over both filets.
  6. Drizzle ~1/2 tsp. olive oil on each filet (more oil will come later).
  7. Slice lemon very thinly and place slices on top of filets.
  8. Fold parchment paper so it completely encloses fish into a packet. I usually like to fold the two sides underneath to keep it from popping open. Alternatively, you can roll the sides closed.
  9. Bake for 20-30 minutes in a 400 degree F oven, depending on the thickness and your preference of doneness. (25 minutes worked perfectly for the salmon in the picture).
  10. Using a spatula, place onto a serving plate. Drizzle more olive oil on top of the lemon and garnish with fresh herbs if desired.
  11. This pairs great with rice and broccoli. Squeeze some lemon juice onto the broccoli to tie it all together!