Roasted sweet potatoes, tangy feta, sweet cherries, and zesty homemade balsamic!
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
Wash and dry sweet potatoes. Chop into 1/2 inch pieces, place in bowl.
Scoop 1/2 tbsp. coconut oil and using your hands, rub over sweet potato cubes, covering thoroughly.
Transfer sweet potatoes to baking sheet (nonstick or lined with parchment paper) and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
Roast 15 minutes, turn with spatula, then 20 more minutes, until tender and beginning to brown and caramelize.
Set aside.
In a small bowl, add oil & vinegar. Mix with small whisk or spoon.
Assemble lettuce, sweet potatoes, dried cherries, and feta on plates. Use spoon to top salads with dressing.
Sprinkle chopped rosemary, salt and pepper.
Serve immediately and enjoy!!
**I always roast extra veggies with this so they can be used as leftovers the next day! I threw in a whole sweet potato and some other root veggies. I won't have to turn on the oven tomorrow - dinner is ready! ;)