A scratchy throat. Sluggishness and fatigue. A stuffy nose. A headache. Aches & pains, a runny nose, congested sinuses, and the cold symptoms pile on. 

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could halt that nasty cold in its tracks?! In this post I’m going to share the natural remedies that I do at the first signs of a cold so you can stay healthy this winter!!

1. Garlic & Raw Honey

Garlic is a more potent and effective antibiotic than most pharmaceutical antibiotics, just without the gut-damaging side effects. Raw garlic is ideal and has more potent immune-strengthening benefits. 

Honey also boosts the immune system, soothes the throat, and calms seasonal allergies. Raw honey is ideal since it has not been heated or pasteurized (which strip the nutrients and some of the health benefits). Read more about the astounding health benefits: 8 Health Benefits of Raw Honey

Directions: Crush 1 clove of garlic with a knife. Mince into small pieces. Mix with enough honey to coat (about 1-3 tsp) and eat. Take between meals on an empty stomach and several hours away from probiotics (since garlic is a natural antibiotic).

2. Take a nap

At the onset of a cold, your immune system is just starting a battle. Give your immune system all of the strength it needs to win! Resting your body allows all of your energy to be used in fighting the invader.

As a child, when I started to get sick, my mom would immediately send me to bed. If I slept right away, I would be over the cold in a matter of hours. If I didn’t take time to rest, I spent the rest of the week battling a nasty cold. (Mom always knows best!)

3. Drink lots of water

Drinking water is the easiest and perhaps the most important tactic in beating a cold! Water flushes your entire body, right down to the cellular level. Imagine a messy battle field, filled with dead cold cells, dead immune cells, and the wastes that they give off. Water washes away cell debris, brings nutrients to all of your cells and organs, and loosens mucus to decrease congestion.

Directions: Aim for at least 8 oz of clean, filtered water or warm herbal tea every two hours. Add lemon juice for an added boost! 

4. Vitamins C & D

Vitamin C is a natural immune system booster! During the winter, I like to keep a bag of navel oranges on hand, as well as broccoli, bell peppers, and kiwi. You can also take a high-quality vitamin C supplement.

  • 1 orange = 93% of your daily value of vitamin C 
  • 1 cup of cooked broccoli = 135% of your daily value of vitamin C
  • 1 small cooked bell pepper = 162% daily value of vitamin C
  • 1 kiwi = 85% daily value of vitamin C

Vitamin D also strengthens the immune system, but it is not present naturally in many foods (other than cold water fish) so a high-quality supplement during the winter months, when sun exposure is limited, is always a good idea. Aim for at least 5,000 IU daily to maintain healthy levels. (Always check with your doctor before beginning a long-term supplementation regiment.)

5. Elderberry Syrup

Elderberry is very high in vitamin C and immune-boosting antioxidants. Elderberry syrup is the easiest way to take this supplement – I usually buy a bottle when the local health store has a big sale or whenever I get a coupon. It’s also available in a variety of brands on Amazon. As a bonus, it tastes really good! Whenever my husband feels like he is getting sick, he never forgets to down a spoonful of this healthy, sweet syrup!

Directions: Take 1 teaspoon daily.

6. Essential Oils: Frankincense & Oregano 

Both of these essential oils strengthen and stimulate the immune system to fight the invading virus or bacteria. These can be used internally (carefully) but I usually apply them externally to the soles of the feet, where they are best absorbed, or diffuse them throughout the day.

Directions: Dilute essential oil in carrier oil such as fractioned coconut oil, then apply generously to soles of feet, before bed and first thing in the morning. Diffuse daily, purify the air, and reap the immune strengthening benefits!

I hope this post has helped you avoid a nasty cold this winter! If you have any comments or questions, leave them below or message me on Facebook!